For years, insurance brokers have talked about “Value-Added Services.” Most of the time, they speak in theoretical jargon without providing tangible results.
Most brokers are happy to tell you about cutting-edge computer programs, risk control projects, or claims management capabilities. They may also wrap those tools and features in a catchy brand name in an attempt to set them apart from their competitors.
However, if you ask them to quantify their services and what the impact on your bottom line will be...the silence is stunning. You’ll know right away these are Value-Added Services attached to their specific brand and NOT your bottom line.

As a buyer, you should expect an answer to this important question:
“How have you improved our financial results and what is the specific impact on our margins or surplus?”
You need (and deserve) to know because your entire cost structure and key metrics and KPI’s are affected by it. Without knowing, you can’t budget for anything other than next year’s insurance premiums. And, you certainly can’t assess your current broker’s impact.
As an Analytic Broker™ we can answer this vital question and demonstrate our impact on your cost structure. We’re uniquely qualified to provide you with quantifiable and measurable solutions. We put REAL VALUE in Value Added Services.
Contact us today for an complimentary assessment of your cost structure.
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