If you are like most organizations, your largest source of unchecked profit drain lies right before your eyes. It’s eroding your efficiencies, capital, productivity and financial stability. It’s huge.
Unfortunately, most firms and their insurance brokers have ignored it for years. Why? Because they had no way to measure it. And even if they attempted to measure it, they had no way to address it. But we do.

Your profit drain is not inside your insurance program or your premium costs. This goes against the message most insurance brokers deliver as they try to sell you insurance for everything. Your profit drain actually sits right inside your business, and it costs you tens, hundreds, or (with larger organizations) millions of dollars.
This Financial Leakage is insidious to your organization. Each time you have an insurance claim of any type, your entire cost structure blows up. No matter the type of claim, you have significant Financial Leakage related to time, people, brand, customers, managers, internal friction, extra procedures, etc.
How much is YOUR unchecked profit drain and Financial Leakage?
As Analytic Brokers™, we utilize data created by TCORCalc®. In reviewing the data obtained from hundreds of CFO’s and risk managers nationwide, here is what we know: Your drain on profits (over and above your insurance cost) is usually an additional 30% to 60%.
Look at your annual budget for insurance costs… now add an additional 30% to 60% to that amount to cover the costs that are being absorbed inside your organization. How does that change your financial position? Can you afford to leave that profit drain inside your financial statement?
Of course not.
You should contact us today for a Financial Leakage Report that will help you establish exactly how much money is draining from your organization. It will be the most important thing you can do to plug the leak and maximize your bottom line.
* Source: TCORCalc® is North America's leading authority on risk management program analytics and insurance industry benchmarks.